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Lovetts Services: Save Tax

Optimise your tax liability with legal compliance. through proper business planning and effective accounting. Get in touch. Save Tax. Tax Accounting.

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Tax Insight. Tax Accounting. Tax Returns. Activity Statements. Superannuation Tax & Regulation. Tax Planning. Business Structuring. Trust Structuring. Company Structuring. Tax Audit. Tax Dispute. International Tax. Profit Plans. Revenue Growth Plans.

Save Tax: Selling assets tax free

Save Tax: Selling assets tax free. If you have assets or investments in your self managed super fund and you move it into pension phase and then sell the assets, there is no CGT or other income tax on the sale of the assets! Keywords: Next Article.

Australian Tax Changes 2022-2023

Australian Tax Changes 2022-2023. Recent changes are outlined below: Keywords: Australian Tax Changes 2023. Next Article. Disclaimer: We believe this information to be correct at the time of publication.

Save tax - pre-payments

Save tax - pre-payments. For individuals and small businesses, prepayments can be claimed in full provided the period covered by the prepayment does not exceed 12 months and concludes before the end of the financial year.

Save Tax - wash sales

Save Tax - wash sales. If you have listed company shares showing a book loss you can generate a capital loss by selling those shares. Take care if you intend re-purchasing. You need a good commercial reason for this to avoid application of Part IV A.

Save Tax: Family Wages

Save Tax: Family Wages. Does your business employ family members? If so, ensure that their wage entitlements are paid up to date before the end of the financial year. The Tax Office does not look kindly on journal entries for unpaid wage entitlements.

Save Tax: Borrowing Expenses

Save Tax: Borrowing Expenses. Legal costs, stamp duty, mortgage preparation and valuation fees, broker's charges, etc are deductible if business related and should be pro rated over the period of the loan, up to a maximum of five years.

Tax Insight: Your private bank account data transferred overseas by the Government. What?

Tax Insight: Your private bank account data transferred overseas by the Government. What? Keywords: Next Article. Disclaimer: We believe this information to be correct at the time of publication.

Save Tax - personal use assets

Save Tax - personal use assets. These are assets (other than collectables) kept primarily for your personal use and enjoyment. If acquired for $10,000 (excluding GST) or less, any capital gain is exempt.